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"Jazz Tinged with Sorrow as well as Somber Beauty" 4/15/2010 Porcelain and Stoneware 49"x56"x44" Damaged while on display at UNL

"Feasting on Memories, Serving the Future" 2/21/2010 Porcelain and Stoneware 26"x28"x24" Available

"Swimming in Murky Waters Infested with Death and Life" 3/3/2010 Porcelain and Stoneware 19"x22"x15" Available

"The Evolution of the God Gene"

"The Evolution of the God Gene"

11/09 Porcelain and stoneware 24x28x19" Available

"A Bit Wry and Rough at the Edges" 3/8/2010 Porcelain and Stoneware 24"x22"x20" Available

2009 Porcelain and Stoneware Available

"Only Disconnect (2)"

"Only Disconnect (2)"

2009 Porcelain and Stoneware Available

"The Illusion of Beauty"

"The Illusion of Beauty"

1/10 Porcelain and stoneware Available

"Only Disconnect (1)"

"Only Disconnect (1)"

2009 Porcelain and stoneware Available



"Up in the Air, and Down, With a Twist" 1/2010 Porcelain and Stoneware SOLD

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